ACT Information

Also see contacts for support services

Free Law Directory

Directory of free and low cost legal services in the ACT

ACT Office of Rental Bonds
The ORB is part of the ACT Revenue Office and it receives, holds and returns rental bonds in the ACT.

Bond forms can be downloaded from this site.

The ORB can provide you with information about whether your bond is lodged and whether there is a claim on your bond. You can email them –

The contact number is 6207 0028. Select Option 2 to be put through to a Rental Bonds Officer.

The call centre is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 5pm and Wednesday from 10.30am to 5pm. In the event that all officers are on calls you can leave a voice message, with your name and telephone number, and receive a call back.

Office of Fair Trading
Regulates ACT real estate agents through the Agents Act.

ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Resolution of tenancy disputes

Canberra Community Law
Canberra Community Law is a community legal centre providing a free legal service for low income earners in the ACT and surrounding region. The Centre provides assistance in relation to Centrelink/social security; public housing; and consumer credit contracts.

ACT Law Society
The Law Society runs the Legal Advice Bureau, which can provide advice to head-tenants, landlords and agents. They do not provide telephone advice. Face to face appointments only.

ACT Legislation Register
The Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (ACT) can be downloaded from this site.

ACT Shelter
ACT Shelter is an independent organisation funded to consult with and represent the community on housing issues.

Support Services

Sometimes you may need help to resolve your tenancy issues that the Tenants Advice Service cannot provide. For example financial counselling, crisis accommodation and family or domestic violence support services. Please Support Services for a list of services that might be able to help you.


Gas, electricity and water provider in the ACT

ACT Human Rights Commission.

Access Canberra
Access to ACT Government services.

Housing ACT
The ACT Government Department that provides housing directly through public housing, and some other forms of housing assistance.

Interstate tenant organisations

New South Wales Tenants’ Union

Tenants’ Union of Victoria

Tenants Queensland

Tenants’ Union of Tasmania

Tenancy WA

Darwin Community Legal Service

International Union of Tenants

TIAS SA – There is no tenant’s union in South Australia.  However, Anglicare runs the Tenants’ Information and Advocacy Service for people on low incomes

Other useful sites

Australian Electoral Commission

Visit the AEC’s website to enrol to vote, check your enrolment, and update your address on the electoral roll. It’s fast and easy. You should update your details every time you move, to ensure your name is not removed from the roll (leaving you unable to vote).

Australian Legal Information Institute
Among other things, past decisions of the ACT and NSW Residential Tenancies Tribunals can be found here.

National Association of Community Legal Centres
Information about other community legal centres across Australia.

Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
Housing research body.

Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions

Green Renters Guide – this information is based on Victorian legislation so seek advice from the ACT Tenants Advice Service before you alter your property in any way.



Tenants’ Union ACT publishes this website as a service to the Canberra public. Please note that the information on this site is only relevant to renters in the ACT.

This website provides information about the law designed to help users understand legal rights and obligations. However legal information is not the same as legal advice (the application of law to an individual's specific circumstances). Although we make all efforts to ensure our information is accurate and useful, we recommend you consult the Tenants Advice Service for advice specific to your circumstances. You are also able to consult an independent solicitor for a second opinion.

Please note that this website is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for specific legal advice or opinions and the transmission of this information is NOT intended to create a solicitor-client relationship between the Tenants’ Union ACT and members of the public.

Tenants’ Union ACT makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currency, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.  Please also note when the page was last updated, as the law may have changed.